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Assisted Living Caregiver


Assisted Living Caregiver


Assisted living  Caregiver is a person who gives older adults or children or other types of patients personalized care in a residential setting. Care givers help   seniors whose health or well-being requires a higher level of support, which is determined through a health assessment by the community according to state regulations.

Course Structure:
When you are part of PMTI , you will complete a minimum of 62 hours of course attendance as mandated by the state board.

Caregiver students will receive login credentials for the distance learning materials. The distance learning chapters can be completed before, after or during the classroom phase. All instructions and log in credentials necessary to complete the distance learning portion of the course are delivered to the email address the student provides PMTI.

Next, Caregiver students will attend and complete 42 hours of classroom instruction. During the Caregiver course, students must pass all chapter exams with an 80% or higher. To help students study and prepare for the exams, PMTI provides Caregiver students with online study aids accessible via the eLearning class portal.

Finally, Caregiver students must pass the Assisted Living Caregiver course final exam with an 80% or higher. Upon passing students are eligible to sit for the Phoenix State Board NCIA Exam.

Caregiver Curriculum:
At PMTI, you will learn required skills and materials associated with assisted living care, including:

  1. Basic caregiver skills.
  2. Medication management.
  3. Basic restorative services
  4. Mental health and social services.
  5. Nutrition and food preparation.
  6. Fire, safety, and emergency procedures
  7. Home environment and maintenance
  8. Legal and ethical issues
  9. Infection control.
  10. Care of the cognitively impaired resident
  11. Service plans.
  12. Communication and interpersonal skills

Join PMTI Care giver class today and be part of History . We guarantee a job placement immediately .Pay starting from $15.00 per hour. All our students are hired after course completion.

What Will I Learn?

  • Skills needed for :
  • * Working in assisted living Centers,
  • * Home Health Agencies ,
  • * Residential facilities / Group homes.
  • * Home Assist Agencies as private care givers. One on One.

Material Includes

  • * Pay course tuition of $599.00 in full.
  • Other Costs May Include:
  • * Maricopa County Food Handler’s Card .This is required to take the State Written Final Exam. Costs $14 or less .
  • * Arizona State Written Final Exam through D&S Diversified Technology = $65.00
  • * TB Skin Test through concentra Branches across the Valley.
  • Finger Printing + DPS Fingerprint Card = $87.00


  •  Must be 18 years old
  •  Assistant Caregivers must be 16 years and above.
  •  Finish the 20 eLearning Hours and 42 classroom hours for a total of 62 hours.
  •  Accomplish the requirements For the Arizona Food Handlers Card.
  •  Accomplish the requirements For the Arizona Food Handlers Card.
  •  Submit a finger print card application to the Arizona Department of Public Safety
  •  Pass all class exams and the course final exam with an 80% or higher.
  •  Pass the Arizona State Final Exam through D&S Diversified Technology.

Target Audience

  • * A person who is at least 18 years old.
  • * 16 to 17 year old can work as Assistant Caregiver.
  • * A person able to read, write, and communicate effectively in English.
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